All the rehearsals have paid off! We performed at a church and a village today.
I led devotion today. :) We talked about spiritual gifts as well. Some of them would like to go thru Know Your Shape (This is a class about spiritual gifts) when we get back.
Uncle J baptised Jo, Jas and another boy - DP in the Holy Spirit today. We prayed over them and tears flowed from everyone. Pastor Josh prophesied over Darren, then he would minister to children. It was incredible. The day before that DP and I had spoken about what he was intending to do now that he has just completed his o levels. He was lost and clueless and God gave him direction through Uncle J. He's now set on continuing his studies in early childhood education. The atmosphere was amazing. God's presence was there with us the entire time. Everyone prayed at the same time, out loud. One of the mindblowing prayer sessions I've ever experienced. While praying over Jo, I got a couple of images from God for her - a tiny seedling taking root in rich and fertile soil with God's light shining brightly over it and an eagle with a wide wingspread soaring high in the bright blue sky.
We performed Lifehouse's Everything skit at the school. Lifehouse's Everything skit was really powerful I must say. Jo was awesome playing the female lead. Right after that though, she fell pretty sick. She had a fever earlier. Now she's got flu like symptons and swollen eyes too. Pray for her healing. I think sometimes when we're doing good work for God, the evil one uses illness as well to take away our focus from our Father.
At the village, DL preached and shared his testimony about Christmas and hope. It was a simple message that cut to the point, yet it was powerful and easy for the villagers to comprehend. He spoke of God's love in his life, how God was with him during his hard times and his good, how when he was lost, God gave him direction, when he was sad, God made him happy. God's annointing was indeed upon him.
The church gave little presents in a "lucky draw" kinda way at the village. Those gifts would not have gotten a Singaporean out of his chair, yet the villagers glowed and were so happy to receive them. Simple things like a t-shirt, shampoo, comforters and bottles of drinks were so so appreciated by them. Things that we take for granted as "basic necessities" in Singapore.
We're on our way back now to the house now to pack over 1,000 bags of gifts for the mental hospital and school that we will be visiting tomorrow. Pray that the Lord multiplies the fruits of our labour and time and we get everything completed tonight and ample time for sleep too!
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