Tuesday, April 8, 2008

and this is how.

Sometime in 2005, I started finding little slips of paper in my handbags. Seriously, I have wayyyy too many handbags, purses, satchels and what not. Women with their bags and shoes you know. But anyway, only in the handbag that I picked to use that particular day would a little note present itself. They appeared at different times. Sometimes months could go by before I found another slip. The first few times it happened I just chucked them aside putting it down as coincidence or some random act of chance. The notes most frequently said, "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:9.

I am quite a stubborn individual (I'm pretty darn certain that my boyfriend will vouch for that) and before I believed in something, I needed to see the logic and rationale/explanation behind it. I needed to have all the angles covered. So I tried to explain the notes away.

But I couldn't. I found these notes in different places, at different times, there are no one person/group that could have been sneaking them into my bag. No one in my family could have slipped them in. Besides, none of them are Christian. My mum is a practising Taoist and my sisters are free-thinkers. None of my colleagues could have done it either cos on weekends I would find them in the more casual bags that I didn't carry to the office.

Before you think I've gone mad, I haven't. Friends and family have actually seen these slips. They aren't figments of an overactive imagination. I may work in advertising, but I still have my sanity. ;)

So after more than a year of being "written to", and still not being able to find a logical explanation... to the shock and horror of many friends, I give in and tell a good friend of mine to take me to church.

I still remember the first service I attended. Good Friday service. Honestly, it wasn't convincing or life-changing for me. But a tiny seed was planted and I went for service the week after that, and after that, and after that... For a few months I just sat and listened really. For some reason, it just didn't seem like the right time.

Then one service, I heard a very powerful testimony from an ex-convict and there was this voice that said, "Its time."

That day I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and I've never looked back since.

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