Daily, I struggle with this. I try my darnest not to swear, I try not to get angry when others make incredibly stupid mistakes, I try not to slap creatives who chose the 11th hour to have a diva fit. This is not exactly the perfect environment to be in for a Christ-follower - full of stumbling blocks and temptation, like little mousetraps just waiting for you to let down your guard. I asked God a while ago, "Why place me, such a young Christian, here?"
Two days ago, while talking to Him as I got ready for work, He helped me look at things from the other side of the coin.
Volcanoes are extremely destructive and living in the vicinity of an active one is usually considered risky and dangerous. Yet many people do. Why? When a volcano erupts, along with lava, it also throws out a lot of ash. At short notice, the ash can be really harmful to the environment, but in the long term, this ash layer contains many useful minerals, and in time, will be forms very fertile soil.
How wonderful would it be to be able to plant His seeds here! In fertile soil. I'm so happy that He's allowed me to be a part of this, to do His work through me... and at the same time flattered/stunned that He would trust me with such a major deal.
God is truly truly mind-blowing. Hallelujah. Thank you for having faith in me Father.
Indeed, He has put you there for a reason. But I have to say, it is going to be very very very difficult. And in such industry, if you are sinless, you will probably not survive.
Well, no one is sinless. I do agree that docile lambs are unlikely to survive for very long, I do think that, while difficult, it is possible to achieve some sort of balance though.
With God, all things are possible.
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